IHMS' professional
IHMS is accredited by a number of professional boards, demonstrating our commitment to providing the highest level of education to our students.
International Hospitality & Management School holds UK Accreditation from ASIC (Accreditation Service for International Schools, Colleges, and Universities).
ASIC Accreditation is a leading, globally recognised quality standard in international education. Institutions undergo an impartial and independent external assessment process to confirm their provision meets rigorous internationally accepted standards, covering the whole spectrum of its administration, governance, and educational offering. Achieving ASIC Accreditation demonstrates to students and stakeholders that an institution is a high-quality education provider that delivers safe and rewarding educational experiences and is committed to continuous improvement throughout its operation.
About ASIC: One of the largest international accreditation agencies operating in 70+ countries, ASIC is recognised in the UK by UKVI - UK Visas and Immigration (part of the Home Office of the UK Government), is ISO 9001:2015 (Quality Management Systems) Accredited and is a Full Member of The International Network for Quality Assurance Agencies in Higher Education (INQAAHE), a member of the BQF (British Quality Foundation), a member of the International Schools Association (ISA), and an institutional member of EDEN (European Distance and E-Learning Network).
Learning Centres are on the front lines of developing critically-important skilled and productive workforces.
Qualifi shares a commitment to helping motivated learners become the dynamic workforce of the future. Working with approved centres, Qualifi assure these centres have the support and tools needed to achieve their important mission.
Qualifi will accept learners and recognise prior learning (RPL) either from qualifications previously taken or evaluate credit form their workplace. Although rigorous, our regulatory process follows a straightforward quality assurance route to deliver our qualifications. We assess that you have the staff expertise, sufficient resources and premises to meet these requirements. We have streamlined our timescale for centre approvals with the introduction of an initial online application process.